Sunday, July 26, 2009

Update on our Week

It's been a while since I have posted on the blog and I am getting a lot of anxious friends wanting updates on Carson's neuropsych testing. Our original plan was for Carson to have 4 two hour testing sessions. Well, after the first session, it was clearly obvious that two hours was going to be a bit much for Carson! Surprise, surprise!!! So, instead we opted for 7 one hour sessions...we planned to drive to Bellevue every day this week to complete these sessions. Well...the good news is is that Carson completed his testing in 5 sessions!!! The bad news got a speeding ticket on the way home from a session! Nothing like Logan telling me that "mommy drive too fast!"

I attended the first session with Carson and dad attended the second session. By the third session, I had to bring Logan with us ('cause he was sick with another ear infection....poor guy!), so we opted to try having Carson test by himself. No big deal! As a matter of fact, he did a really good job all by himself! So, by the 4th session, I thought that we would just continue with Carson attending these sessions by himself...and he did! Way to go Carson! We did a lot of rewarding Carson...before and after these testing sessions, we would walk around the business park! Carson (and Logan) were in heaven! The business park, in their eyes was like a camping area, complete with trees, paths and 'rock walls'! Carson would climb up and down the rock wall and when Logan came, Carson had to 'teach' Logan how to climb the rock wall as well! This particular office was the only pediatric practice in the business park...and it quickly became clear that the business park was not used to having kids in 'their area'. By the end of our testing sessions, we had a big dude come up to us saying that they had a complaint of kids playing on the rock wall! Yep, those are my kids! He says, "Please do not allow them to climb on this rock wall." "Why?," I ask. "Well, if they get hurt on the rock wall, then you can sue us." I boys WILL hurt themselves because they are boys...and believe me, you are the last person I would think of suing. Can you tell there were lawyers in this business park? ARGH!!! Now I have a devastated little boy because he cannot decompress on the rock wall! Hmmm...maybe that gentleman should have neuropsych testing done and see what sort of stress he needs to work off? I bet he would want to climb the rock wall too! Oh well...luckily that night we were notified that Carson had completed his testing, so we wouldn't be 'bothering' them anymore! Believe me, I was ready to allow Carson to continue climbing the rock wall and have them call the cops...and then kindly explain why my child needed to climb the rock wall! Bummer that I wasn't able to enjoy that...I would have enjoyed the look of guilt on his face! We won't have the results until August 12th!!!

Oh...I've been meaning to post these photos! These are drawings that Carson has made. Carson LOVES to do art! So, especially when he has gone to daycare...we bring home A LOT of art! So, I asked him about these particular pictures and this is what he said!

This is a 'golf course!' Impressive, I thought! He has been obsessed with golfing ever since he found out that Grandpa George golfs! He even laid out some clothes for going golfing with grandpa...he says that you have to wear polo shirts...and he picked out his own polo shirt! Very cute!

This second picture is a map...a TREASURE MAP! He says that the treasure is where the 'X' is!

I have been off from work this past week and have spent most of it with the boys. On Monday, I was able to help chaperon Carson's daycare classroom to the Ballard Locks (to see the cool boats going from Puget Sound to Lake Union and the salmon ladders). I was in charge of only one child (my own) while other chaperons were in charge of three! Hmmm...does that mean that Carson is equivalent to three kids? Some days I would definitely agree! Anyhow...we had a blast! Carson thinks he is the most special boy in the world when he gets to pack his lunch for a field trip...and Logan CANNOT come! Here are a few photos from our day!

We visited the botanical gardens and Carson had to 'smell' ALL the flowers! So cute!

After lunch, we had some time to run around in the fields and Carson wanted to play with the 'bigger kids' from daycare! It was so cute to see him bend down to race just like the big kids do!

Then later in the week, we got to go to a concert in the park! The boys thought they were super duper special when we got to pick up McDonald's for lunch and take our 'backpack chairs' (lawn chairs with a backpack attached) to the concert! You should have seen those boys smile!! When we got to the concert, Carson spotted Miss Rachael, his most favorite daycare teacher, and he was in heaven FOR SURE!

Like those sun glasses?

Logan forgot his cool sunglasses in the car, so he had to beg to use mommy's sunglasses!

Then after the concert, we played at our favorite water park...right next door! (water fountains coming up from the ground) They were very ready for naps and so was mom!

Our yard was in dire need of major weeding, etc., Since I had some spare time on my hands (yeah right...spare time??) I tackled the yard and got it in darn good shape by the end of the week! (Dad...don't ever say that I don't help in the yard!) It was a bit therapeutic for me...weeding is right up my 'picking everything' alley and power tools (like hedge trimmers and blowers) are great at taking out some aggression! The boys even helped me pick up after all the cutting!

In the backyard, there is a section that Carson has been watering, saying that he is watering his flowers! Poor guy didn't realize that the reason why those flowers were bloomin' was because the weeds had gone to the bloomin' stage! Not a good thing! So, when he saw me pulling is flowers, Carson was not a happy camper! I had to think real fast and came up with "Oh Carson, it's OK...we should go to Home Depot and get some really pretty flowers to plant tomorrow!" "OK's a deal!" So, off to Home Depot we went the following day to fulfill my promise! Carson picked out some really pretty flowers and was a super big helper planting them as well!

Carson waters the flowers everyday and he makes sure to water around the flowers (instead of on top of them) so the flowers don't bend (so Carson says)!

Carson even found a yummy worm along the way as well! Hmmm....Yummy!

Stay tuned for another post on our weekend! Our cousins came to visit us from Portland and boy, did we have fun!

Back to work and daycare tomorrow!


Dawn Finlayson said...

Looks like you had a great week with the boys! Very funny about the rock wall "police". Not funny about having to talk to the real police. YIKES!
And HAPPY BIRTHDAY tomorrow!!!! Hope it's a great one.

Rachael said...

Wow! You've had a full couple of weeks - I'm so curious to hear about the results of all his testing. Good for you for continuing to ask those questions and push for better answers! By the way, what happened with the sleep test? Did I miss it on the blog?

Dawn Finlayson said...

Just watched the **new** msnbc video you have posted. Very good video!