Saturday, October 10, 2009

Logan's New Bike

We bought Logan a new bike last weekend for an early birthday present. We also bought Carson a few accessories for his bike (cup holder, horn and kick stand) that he had been requesting for a while. We tried to explain the concept of an early birthday present, but neither Carson nor Logan understood. All they wanted was their stuff 'right now' and they knew their birthday wasn't for a few weeks. Oh, the woes of a child, huh?

A 12 inch bike was too small and a 16 inch bike was too big...but a 14 inch bike was just right! Have you ever tried tracking down a 14 inch bike? They are not very common and when you do find them, there isn't much selection. We made a few phone calls in the Toys R' Us parking lot to the usual places (Target, Walmart, etc.,). We finally found one at the Toys R' Us in Bellevue! So off we went to Bellevue 'cause you see, once you tell your child they are getting a new bike, you aren't going home until you have that bike...and Logan made that very clear to us!!! Even in the line to purchase it, he couldn't take his eyes off of it...he had to ensure that it was going in the back of daddy's truck...that was HIS JOB!

We got it home and the boys were in heaven together! Carson was ecstatic to have a bike riding partner!!!

1 comment:

Dawn Finlayson said...

How cute is that??? Go Logan!