Monday, March 22, 2010

Logan's First Day of Preschool and Montessori School Interview Update was a big day for us! First, Logan started his first day of special education preschool (the one that I almost took the school district to court over)! Needless to say, this was a big day for the little guy (not so little anymore) as he's seen brother go to preschool now for a long was finally HIS turn!

I had to take both boys to preschool this morning since we had to do Logan's IEP (individualized education plan) meeting prior to the start of preschool. As I am giving both boys love and saying goodbye to them, I say "Carson, show your brother the ropes today, OK?" Carson excitedly looks at me and says "OK mom!" In less than a minute, Carson comes up to me and says "Mom, where ARE the ropes?" I just had to chuckle to myself...there's something to be said for childhood innocence, huh? The teacher heard his comment and also chuckled to was priceless!

This is when I picked up Logan at the bus stop after his first day at preschool! WOOHOO Logan! Momma is so proud of you!

This is our favorite bus driver, Ms. Wendy...she is always so very sweet to the kids...we just love her!

Momma...look at me! I'm went to preschool!!!

Later this afternoon, we had our Cedar River Montessori School interview!!! We got the boys dressed nice (dad even wore khakis to work instead of jeans) and ventured to the interview! Of course the kids were outside playing in the gorgeous sunny weather we were having...good thing we arrived early enough for the boys to join them on the playground for a bit. We then went inside to start the interview.

During the interview process the boys each met with one of the teachers to observe how they worked with some Montessori materials. They are trying to determine readiness for the classroom and are looking for abilities and behaviors such as making eye contact, following multi-part instructions, and connecting with the teacher. The boys didn't seem to mind doing this and seemed pretty willing to check out some of the materials they haven't used before.

While the teachers met with the boys, we met with the head of school. She asked some basic questions about the boys, discussed our interest in Montessori, asked what we hoped to gain for our children, and discussed how long planned to be with the school. We were also given the opportunity to ask questions.

They ended the meeting by saying that we would hear from them on Tuesday or Wednesday of this week! YIKES!!! That was fast! I was kind of expecting it would be another couple of weeks to hear from them, but hey, I'll take a couple of days!!

It will be nice to get on with this issue and figure out if this option is going to work for us....and if not, move onto plan B!

So, keep us in your thoughts and prayers a couple more days until we hear from them! We have our fingers (and toes) crossed that this will work out!


Dawn Finlayson said...

Love the pictures, Kari! So glad Logan is now in the pre-school program, too. Good job, Mom!

Liliana said...

What a cutie! How exciting! Great job Kari!