Tuesday, March 16, 2010


I have a couple of quick updates on our family....

We got some good news this afternoon! We've been asked to come for an interview at Cedar River Montessori School! YIPEE for us! This is the school we checked out the end of January that was recommended by our neuropsychologist as a good choice for Carson to attend for Kindergarten! We put in our application at their open house and have been anxiously waiting to find out what the next step will be. Isn't this amazing that we are already working on our kindergarten plan...and it won't even start until September??? WOW!!

Anyhow...for logistical purposes, we also decided to put in an application at the same school for Logan...and it may be Logan that gets us into the school since they want kids as young as possible to start their program!

Our family has an interview on Monday 3/22. The boys will be individually assessed by Montessori teachers while Kelly and I chat with the director! Kind of feels know, this IS only preschool and kindergarten, right??? I totally get the intent behind the interview process...just want to jump forward to the decision stage and move on with our lives! YIKES!!! Please keep us in your thoughts as we go into this interview on Monday. If it's meant to be, then it will work out...if it's not meant to be, then I sure hope we know what plan B will bring us!!!

Did you know "L" is for Logan??? Logan is so very cute pointing out every "L" in his world...including in his pancakes!

Logan has decided to potty train!!! I really started to push potty training when we went to California for a week. Ever since then, he wears his cool little undies all the time! He got the potty thing really quickly, but the poo poo thing lagged behind! Very frustrating to have to change poo in the undies...not moms favorite clean up duty!! We always told him that we would take him to McDonald's when he went poo in the toilet. When that didn't work, I finally uped the ante and put a new toy on the kitchen counter that Logan could have once he went poo in the toilet.

Finally, one Saturday morning, he came into the kitchen and told me he went poo in the toilet. I so did not believe him (aren't I a bad momma??)! I went into the bathroom and sure was his the toilet!! We did the potty dance for that one! (and went to McD's for lunch as well!).

Then one day I get a phonecall from daycare while I am at work! It's Logan on the phone telling me he went poo in the toilet at daycare!!! WOW...mama was so proud! You should have seen his HUGE smile on his face when he was doing what the big boys were doing! Way to go Logan!

So, Carson has lost his first tooth! He was so excited to have this very loose tooth in his mouth and was ready for mom to yank it out! He even knew about the tooth fairy! And, did you know that you can e-mail the tooth fairy to let them know when to come and deliver the funds? You can even request green stuff or coins for reimbursement? Carson requested the green stuff, of course and was very excited to find that the tooth fairy pays $1 per tooth! Way to go you brave Carson!!

OK...these I made these photo collages quite a while ago, but am just now getting around to blogging about them! Aren't they cute??? I wanted something that would showcase some of their latest and greatest professional photos with an art project and them writing their name! I think they turned out really cute! Now when we get new photos taken, I just have to change out the stuff and've got a new addition to the family room!

Carson and his preschool fall craft! Also, at the bottom of the collage is a drawing he did of his school bus! He even put in himself (in the back window) and the busdriver..along with windows, wipers and the door! Very impressive! And...look at him write his name! Carson, how did you grow up so quickly???

Logan with his airplane craft project!


Liliana said...

Oh my goodness! These boys are growing up so fast! How wonderful! So many wonderful things happening, everything from going potty to the beautiful pictures frames featuring the boy's art work. Wow! How exciting! I am so happy for all of you!

Dawn Finlayson said...

I absolutely LOVE the artwork/picture idea! I'm going to have to steal that one and do the same. Ben is also coming up with some doosies (artwork) and I'd love to showcase it. Isn't it surreal that we are looking at kindergarten stuff? Weren't they just born?? Hugs!