These pictures are super sturdy...Super sturdy is what we need in our house!
We still have Logan's crib in his room (converted to a daybed) which he still sleeps in until he quits wetting the bed (much easier to wash crib sheets, etc., than a queen size bed full of sheets, mattress cover, etc). It's in his room in case we have any guests who are brave enough to sleep in Logan's room with him!
After I painted, I went around the room and stamped these transportation themed vehicles onto the wall (I already had the stamps, so no money spent there!) Aren't they cute??
Here are the altered curtains! I had to use a spring loaded curtain rod because Logan has a track history of pulling the curtains down (yep, nails in the wall and all!...holes in the wall don't make momma too happy)
We still have Logan's crib in his room (converted to a daybed) which he still sleeps in until he quits wetting the bed (much easier to wash crib sheets, etc., than a queen size bed full of sheets, mattress cover, etc). It's in his room in case we have any guests who are brave enough to sleep in Logan's room with him!
I was super excited with how the room turned out! Logan was excited too! Now let's hope that Logan can take care of it! (a mommy can hope, right??)
1 comment:
What a fabulous find at Value Village. Great job Kari, the room looks awesome! I am sure Logan loves it.
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