Monday, February 22, 2010

Battling the School District

I guess I am easily deceived! When our neuropsychologist said she would call the school district and speak with the director of special education regarding Logan's special education preschool eligibility....I believed her! I trusted that she would follow through with her word and do just that...make the phone call! Well, to my dismay, after bugging her office at least once a week for a month, I finally came to the realization that she wasn't going to make the phone call. Maybe she made the call and the administrator wasn't available, but she wasn't handling this situation like I I took over the reins!

That next week, I sat down at my computer and proceeded to write an e-mail to the assistant director of special education. In this e-mail, I proceeded to outline my frustrations with the district's ability to appropriately evaluate my son for their developmental preschool program. Believe me, I was very politically correct in my e-mail....I stated the facts and I tried my best to not put too much 'feelings' into the e-mail. I then attached all the supporting documents outlining why Logan should be admitted to the developmental preschool program. I then outlined my intended goals of sending such an e-mail.

By the end of that day, I had a reply back stating that she would investigate the situation and I could expect to hear back from her by the end of that week. Well, the end of that week came and went with no further word from her. So, as expected, I was on the phone the following day. By the next day, I had a phone call asking me to meet with her and the director. "Sure!" I said. Well, that meeting was today...

I had my nerves all in a tizzy for fear that the meeting wasn't gonna go well, but I was well prepared for the meeting. You would have been so proud of tears were seen in that meeting! I was direct and very passionate about my concerns. They listened. We didn't get to the bottom of it today, but we are almost there! Most of all, I wanted them to know what a botched mess their staff has made of Logan's qualification process into the developmental preschool program...THAT they heard loud and clear from me!! The paperwork now will have to go through the evaluating team and the administrators will see that that process takes place. Once that happens, then they have to either amend their previous decision or uphold it. Then they meet with me to discuss their decision...I requested that one of the administrators be present at this meeting (so they don't botch things AGAIN!) and plan on hearing more by the end of this week....with a meeting to discuss final decisions within the next 7-10 days.

If things do not go as planned, then I am prepared to take legal action! YIKES!!! They are messing with the wrong person!!!

Please keep us in your thoughts....


Rachael said...

I'm glad that things are GOING - even if it's slowly. They are listening and, if they are smart, they'll realize that Logan has a mom who cares and will do what it takes to get him what he needs! I'm keeping my fingers crossed!!

Dawn Finlayson said...

Glad to hear that things are at least moving. Good for you for being your son's best advocate!

Liliana said...

Wow! I am sorry that the doctor did not follow through with what she had promised. Things sound like they are finally moving in the right direction, if only things could happen faster. Keep up the great job Kari!