Monday, August 3, 2009

Sleep Study Success!!!

We had done all the prep ahead of time to prepare Carson for this big event! We told him that all the medical play we did on Friday was now his turn for. He seemed to be pretty acceptant on that fact. As a matter of fact, he would periodically ask on Sunday, "What minute do we go to sleep center, mom?"

We thought that we'd make this a special event and go pick out a new movie for him to watch while we were at the sleep center. We gathered up Carson's favorite pajamas, blanket and well as his music and 'Moon & Sun' night light! We also picked out a soda, a candy treat and popped a bag of popcorn (sounds like we were going to the movies, huh?). With that combination, we thought that he would easily be content while his tech did the "hookin' up"! Daddy even let Carson take daddy's favorite teddy bear with him to cuddle with! So, off we went to the sleep center (check-in was at 7:30pm)!

We knew that Victor was going to be our tech and were quickly introduced to him when we arrived! Let's take a shot before the procedure gets started! We were already in our jammies (we came prepared!), so we got our stuff all out, went potty, put the movie in and waited for Victor! Victor had Carson be his "helper", so Carson helped Victor put the sensors down his jammies (to be attached to his legs and chest). He also helped put the breathing belts on (those purple belts) and was very proud when he clicked them into place!

They had one of those cool barber chairs for him to sit in while the probes were being attached to his head and face. It didn't faze Carson in the slightest when Victor started this part of the process! Carson was just chomping away on his popcorn and watching his new video (Over the Hedge)! It was very cute!

After Victor was finished applying the probes, he put a mesh ski mask on Carson (to help keep all the probes attached for the night). It was a bit itchy, but once Carson got used to it, it was OK. He never tried to pull ANYTHING off! WOW!!!

By now, it's 9pm and it's time for bed! So, Victor and I got Carson into bed (this is a feat with all those darned wires, let me tell you!) and then Victor left the room. It was at this point that Carson got a bit scared. He started complaining about the mesh mask itching and that he was a bit scared (completely understandable!!). I gave him lots of reassurance, hugs and kisses and explained that I was going to be sleeping in the bed next to him! I also gave him daddy's teddy bear and his blanket again...and he was very thankful! It probably took him 30-45 minutes to finally go to sleep (yikes...that's a late bedtime for a little boy who usually goes to bed at 8pm!). Once he was asleep, Victor quietly walked in and put on a nasal prong to Carson's nose (I think this is the worst part of the sleep study, from my memory of my sleep study...OK the whole thing is NO fun!). He managed to keep the prong on for a while and then OFF it went...until Victor finally taped it in place! (Hmm...guess it's not coming off now, huh?)

Carson woke up many times in the night (many more than usual) crying when he woke up. I think he realized how confined he was with all the cords and stuff. But, he was easily consolable with me talking to him from the other bed. Then, came the "Mom? I wet the bed, mom!" Kinda weird, really because he wears a night time pullup to bed and it wasn't even soaked! Oh well...I wasn't in charge of changing the sheets, so it wasn't a big deal to me! (he he he he) I changed his pullup and cuddled with him while Victor changed the sheets. Then back to bed we went...waking up at 6:30am!

YIPEE!!! It's over! Off comes the probes and into the shower we go! Now we have to get all the goop out of his hair! I washed his hair twice and there is still some in there...oh well!

He was very excited when it was finally over! We came back from the shower and found 6 stickers waiting for Carson on the bed! Carson said, "Who in this world gave these to me?" Very cute!

So, as promised...we were off to eat breakfast out at a restaurant! Carson wanted lots of pancakes, sausage and orange juice! Okey dokey, dude!

I am soooo proud of Carson! He did a magnificent job! Carson even got to pick out a special toy at the toy store today! What a big boy you are Carson, mommy and daddy are so proud of you!!

Special thanks to Robyn and Terry for 'playing with us' on Friday! And, special thanks to Victor for being very kind and patient with us...and for changing the wet sheets in the middle of the night!

I'll update everyone when we hear the results!


Dawn Finlayson said...

WOW! What a relief that chore is done. That's so wonderful that Carson handled it like a pro! Good prepping him, Kari - I have no doubt that had a lot to do with Carson's success. WAY TO GO!

Rachael said...

HURRAY!! What a wonderful success story! I'm glad that things are going well at your house.

Liliana said...

It sounds like Carson did much better than I would have. Good for him! How fantastic! You did an awesome job getting him prepared. Great job!!

Angela Clarno said...

PERFECT! All of your work and planning paid off! You done good mama!!! And, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Love, Angela