Monday, August 3, 2009

A Weekend With 5 Kids!

I invited my sister and her 3 kids up from Portland for the weekend of 7/24-26. I am just now getting to post pictures of their visit...I guess that means that I am just now recovering from their visit??

With my sister and her girls here, this means that there would be 5 kids total in my house! YIKES! It had been a while since Kendra and I had been able to get together and since I just had the whole week off from work, I wanted to take advantage of it!

I also knew that this many kids would just drive my hubby I politely suggested that he call his friend Frank to see if they could spend the weekend together. No sense pushes his buttons if it was unnecessary, huh?

So, Kendra and the 3 girls arrived Friday evening (after 7 hours on the road!! YIKES...the traffic was horrific that night!)...and the RACE began!

My plan was that Kendra and I would sleep in our bed with the twins sleeping in seperate pack n'plays on either side of the bed. And, as we did the last time they came to visit, Carson and Rachel would share Carson's bunk bed. Yeah...that didn't go so well this time! The kids didn't settle down for bed until close to 9pm...and then Rachel kept pestering Carson (and I'm sure Carson was giving it back to Rachel as well)! By 9:45pm, Kendra and I decided that the sleep arrangements needed to be now Rachel is now in our bed...and since I needed to get my sleep as well...I go sleep on the couch!

Without hesitation, Logan woke up and started pounding on his door at 5:45am! The morning started very early (as usual) and it seemed like the fighting never stopped! Carson, Logan and Rachel were all over each other!
Kendra and I would periodically have to corral the kids with a TV show or two to get them to calm down!

Rebecca and Joanna are the cutest things ever and pretty much minded their own business...investigating all the toys in the playroom they could find! It wasn't long before all the toys were all over the place!

Carson was pretty cute trying to get Rebecca and Joanna's attention, so he offered to cuddle with them on Saturday morning. Joanna quickly decided that she was up for this, but Rebecca reluctently gave Carson "that look" meaning "No Way Jose!" However, once she saw how much fun Joanna was having, she quickly hopped up onto the couch with the other two. Very cute!

Logan had been pretty whiny the previous last couple of days (he had an ear infection earlier that week), so I opted to have the pediatrician check his ears one last time...just to make sure they were getting better. I asked Carson if he wanted to stay and play with his cousins or come with us...and he said that he wanted to come with us! Hmmm...I think he just needed a break from all the kids! Fortunately, Logan's ears were OK...I guess that means that I was dealing with 'cranky two year old whining' instead of 'hurting ear whining'!'s almost easier to deal with 'hurting ear whining' least Tylenol can help with that!

When we got back to the house, we got the kids ready to go to the water park! We packed out picnic lunch and got our bathing suits on! These kids need to get out of the house! Off we went!

The kids had so much fun playing in the water! After about an hour of playing, the kids were completely wiped! We got the kids changed into their dry clothes and rushed to get back home for naps! All the kids were soooo tired! They were all crying...and just needed to go to sleep!

OMG...the amount of food that we went through that weekend was impressive! I told Kendra that when the number of kids outnumbers the number of adults...we ALL get kid food! I tried to keep it easy....and keep it coming! I usually let my boys come into the kitchen and get their own snacks as they need them...but while we had 5 kids in the house, I couldn't let them do that! When one kid would come to get a snack...ALL of them wanted a snack! I was in the kitchen a lot as it was...I didn't want to be in there ALL DAY!

On Sunday, we played in the back yard. Is this the cutest picture ever? Joanna and Logan are checking out the worms in the dirt! We also pulled out the bouncer and played in the sprinklers.

The kids also found their favorite rock in the yard and we painted pet rocks! Very cute!

But, by 10:30am...all the kids were in tears and they were all very whiny! Kendra and the girls were going to take off for home after lunch...hoping that the girls would sleep most of the way home! These poor kids were very tired! It takes a lot of energy 'keeping up' with each other...and fighting your territory of the toys, you know! So, we decided on an early lunch so that everyone could take an early nap! I felt bad that our time was quickly coming to an end...but, let me tell boys were asleep before you knew it (and the girls were as well!)

Kendra and I had a bit of time to chat with each other...but most of our time together was just trying to stay on top of the kids...and to keep them from killing each other! It's amazing how much energy that takes!

While we all took our naps, daddy came back home! He had fun playing computer games, golfing and doing some 'fix it stuff' with Frank! The boys were excited to see him when they woke up! They were also excited to have their home back!

Anyone up for hosting our next get together?

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