Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Daddy's Car Attacks Carson

What will this kid do next? Who knows...

First it was a bat into a bee's nest. Now, he smashes into daddy's car with his teeth...while riding his bike! Yep, we're still trying to figure out how that one happened! What's going to be next? Maybe ride his bike into a bee's nest? Hmmm...not completely out of the league of possibilities.

He just about knocked one of his front teeth clear out of his mouth! It is pushed back (and down) pretty significantly. But the dentist assures us that as long as he can chew (gotta get that food down somehow), that it will be OK. Thank goodness for baby teeth, huh? We'll have to get an xray in 4-6 weeks to make sure this hasn't caused a dental abscess (infection) and worse case scenario is that they will have to pull his tooth! Hmmm...I guess you'll have to stay tuned on that one, huh?

Have a safe night! We will try to do the same!


Dawn Finlayson said...

Ouch! That looks painful. Hope it's looking and feeling better by now.

Rachael said...

Bleeding teeth freak me out!! I can't believe you could take a picture of it. I'm so glad to hear that he'll be okay. OUCH!

Liliana said...

Wow, that looks like it hurt! I think I would of been freaked out to see all that blood. I hope everything is okay.