Wednesday, December 16, 2009

I'm BACK!!!

Yep, that's right...I'm BACK! I feel like I have been in a fog (or a little funk) the last several months! Since August, I had a hard time getting enough work to meet our monthly budget. As a result, we ended up using a lot of our savings to make ends meet (thank god for savings). I thought I was doing OK, but now that that time has passed, I'm realizing that I didn't handle it too well. You would think that I would have gotten a lot of stuff done at home, but the amazing thing is that I didn't! I was too busy being in my own little funk! I guess I kind of shut down and quit doing some of the things that I enjoy doing...blogging being one of them. Hindsight is always 20/20, you know. I should have figured it out when all I wanted to do was sleep. If the boys were sleeping, then I was sleeping (hence part of the reason for my unproductivity)! some things changed! I found some pharmacy work 1-3 days/week, am meeting our family budget, have lost 12 pounds (YAHOO!!), have finished my Christmas shopping, have sold the rental house (another YAHOO!!...we close in January) and have moved back into the world of coupon shopping...which brings me to a couple of things that I wanted to share with you (since I'm so darned proud of myself)!

My biggest coupon bargain this week is buying a $80 SonicAire toothbrush (which I have needed since mine went south this summer) for $19.99! Yup, you have read that correctly...20 buckaroos!

I also just got home from doing my Albertson's ad shopping and spent $120. You should have seen my was completely overflowing and I only spent $120. The best part was that I SAVED $145!!! Isn't that cool???

My new favorite website is The Krazy Coupon Lady! This website takes all the guesswork out of coupon shopping. They tell you where the deals are AND tell you where to find the coupons (even giving you the links to most of them so you can print them at home)! And the best part of the website is that it is FREE! Check it out!

I've also discovered the world of Blog Giveaways! This is just one of the many sites out there that you can earn FREE products from! So far, I have received a FREE kid's t-shirt from SOFT (a company that makes clothing for children who have sensitivities to clothing seams) and my own copy of "Pick Another Checkout Lane, Honey" (to help me learn more about coupon shopping)! back to reality here at the George home! Good thing I'm out of my funk 'cause it's a whirlwind here...

This evening we sent the boys to bed an hour early for arguing with each other! I swear, I'm tired of it...they are constantly bickering and are fiercely competetive with each other!...Kelly and I are (as I type) enjoying the peace and quiet that comes with two boys in their rooms AWAY from each other!

All three of my boys (including hubby) have had the flu for the past 5 days! ARGH!!! There's nothing like cleaning up puke, diarrhea and catering to the wows of whining boys! Like my mom always says, "I want the kids either sick or well 'cause it's the in-between stages that's no fun!" And how is it that everyone around you is sick...but MOM! I guess we were put on this earth for something, right?

Everyone is off to either daycare or work tomorrow...I want out of the house!!!

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