Monday, December 22, 2008

Home Again...

Arghh...after getting about 8 inches of snow this weekend, we are housebound once again. Daycare is closed, so mommy had to cancel her lofty plans to work. We had a very lazy morning, with lots of snuggles and watching lots of TV and videos. For about 1 1/2 hours, Carson, Logan and I laid on the couch...Carson in my arms and Logan at my feet. Logan fell asleep for about 45 minutes (as did I) and Carson joyfully watched episodes of Handy Manny, The Ants Movie, etc., We were in complete heaven. We ate some lunch, then ventured outside to build another snowman (since the last one has been knocked down). Carson was all over this idea, Logan had better ideas and decided to play with daddy's tools in the garage. We did venture over to the neighbor's abandoned house next door to do some "step sledding"...Carson was in complete heaven!! On our way back home, Carson said "that was fun mom!"

We decided to come inside and play with our new crash pad mom made this morning. We filled a full sheet (folded in half) with all the pillows we could find in the house and the boys ran and jumped off the stairs into the playroom. They thought it was a great idea and of course, lots of fun! A great sensory activity as well...lots of input into those joints does a body good!

Hope you are keeping yourselves safe and enjoying this holiday week!

1 comment:

Rachael said...

so fun! Good for you for fitting in all those sensory activities! I love the idea of the crash pad with the pillows in the house. Then I don't have to find a place to store a huge sack of pillows! :)