Tuesday, December 16, 2008

More snow and funny story!

Well, after not getting too much snow the day before, Carson was in pure heaven when we got lots of snow on Saturday evening. On Sunday morning, he looks out the window in awe as it was snowing more. He says "mom, can we build a snowman?" Of course I say, but we need to wait til the sun wakes up (since it was only 6am, very cold and still dark outside). Once we got out there, he helped mom gather up snow for a snowman. He was very specific that he wanted him to have a carrot nose. It took him a while to figure out what to put as eyes (until daddy suggested the toilet paper tube!), the arms had to be sticks. We topped it off with some gloves, a scarf and of course, a hat and a rake (stand in for a shovel). You should have seen Carson jumping up and down in excitement! He finally had his snowman!
Logan wasn't too interested in going out in the cold snow. He did sneak out for a bit to put his lawnmower thru the snow, then he was back inside the warm house with daddy.'s a funny story. I have learned a lot about myself by watching my kids. I ask Logan to go do something (like brush your teeth or go put on your socks and shoes) and he holds up his little finger and emphatically looks at you and says "one minute!" Now, how cute is that?
Have a great snowy, icy and cold day! 9 more days until Christmas!

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