Monday, December 29, 2008

Back to our Routines

Well...another week has gone by. Fortunately, the snow is almost gone at our house! We are all very tired of the snow and have major cabin fever. I think we are all very tired of each other as well.

Most of our Christmas plans were cancelled this year. We had planned a trip to Lincoln City to spend time with the Mitchell side of the family. Mom and dad have been in the area since Thanksgiving waiting for Christmas. Little did we know that the snow would change everything! Stan and Sheila were not able to fly in from CA, fearful that they wouldn't be able to leave the Portland airport to continue flying onto Puerto Rico. So, we thought we'd just take the boys down to Portland and stay with my sister and her family (and my mom and dad) for a few days. The roads had melted a bit and froze nicely that night. On top of that, Kelly's tummy wasn't feeling too good and he was making frequent jaunts to the bathroom. Needless to say, those plans were cancelled. Defeated and ready to go back to CA, my parents left Portland today to try to make it back to their home. How sad...all this way, all those plans...and no Christmas!

On top of it all, I don't do well being confined to home 24/7. By Saturday, I was completely losing it! If one more child, person or animal demands my attention (or whines)...I'm going to lose it! I needed out of the off to Fred Meyer we went, thankful for the breath of fresh air.

I'm glad it's Monday...the start of a new week and the start of our usual routines (yeah...even moms need them). Hope you all have a great week and a safe New Year! Kari

1 comment:

Andriette said...

Oh for the days! I just loved cuddling with my kids. I can remember wishing I could bottle the moments and replay them for real when I was older...which is now! Fun thing is my sister still has young kids who love their Auntie, so I get some glimpses of the times, but it just isn't the same as living it day to day. Enjoy!