Wednesday, January 21, 2009

My Carson "Snuggler" and Family Traditions

So, first I have to tell you about my snuggler, Carson. Thru the last couple of weeks, with the snow and croup, Carson and I have spent a lot time snuggling together on our green rocker in the family room. Carson just loves it! Mommy, will you hold me, he says? off we go to the rocker. We usually end up watching a video or something while Logan runs around dancing in front of us (that boy cannot sit still, unless of course it is with fod in front of him!). Well, this weekend the boys were up awfully early and mom wasn't ready to get up yet. I hear Carson in his room singing at the top of his lungs, then of course, Logan has to start chiming from across the hall. Then I hear Carson shouting, "no Logan, it's my turn to sing!" So, I yelled for Carson to come to my room (I sure wasn't getting out of bed for this) and he comes in. I asked him if he would like to come snuggle with me...and he was all over that! So, up comes Carson to snuggle with me. He gets under the covers and has to put both arms around me (so they connect in back of me)...he was so proud of himself. So, we lay there...I asked him a number of questions and he just went on and on about lots of things...mostly about his "work" and his "imaginary friends," Charly and Tommy. We were quiet for a bit and he says "mom, let's talk some more!" OK, I said! So he went on and on some more about other was really very precious. By then, about 20 minutes had gone by, Logan AND Carson had stopped making so much noise...and I was awake! Carson looks at me and says "mom, I like snuggling with you!"

So, now Carson thinks this morning snuggling thing is a ritual! Before he goes to bed that night, he asks if he can come into my bed the next morning. I said "sure!" So, at 3:45am, Carson is standing at our door whining to come inside. I said it was way too early to get up, but if he wants to sleep with us, he can. I knew dad had to get up at 4am, so it wasn't a big deal to him. So, Carson is just in heaven. You should have heard him as he crawls in under the blankets and puts his arms around me! AWWW...and off to sleep he goes. So, then he wakes up and pokes at me a bit and says "mom, I wanna talk!" OK...what do you wanna talk about. Don't know he says. So, I start rubbin his back and nibbling on his ears. OK...this is where the family tradition comes into play.

From the moment I can remember, my mom always nibbled on our ears. It was a sign of affection and her way of saying that she loves us. Since that is what I know, of course I start doing the same thing to my two boys...gotta pass along the family traditions, you know. They just love it! I do it to them and they do it back to's a huge game. Good thing someone is playing the game with me...Kelly hates it when I attack his ears! traditions!

Have a great week!


1 comment:

Rachael said...

Carver LOVES to snuggle in bed with me, too! Every morning. He's my little human alarm clock, but today he slept in and I wished I set mine just in case....