Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Gotta love that boy!

For Mother's Day, my wonderful hubby felt that I needed to spend the weekend AWAY from the house! What? Away from the boys on Mother's Day? OK...well it had been a particularly rough week for me and down deep I knew he was right (darn it...why do you have to admit it when the men in your life are right?). So, he arranged for me to spend the weekend with his sister, Melissa! She did a very superb job of whining and dining me...wonderful food, an intense listening ear, a hug now and then, a massage at a Russian spa, a wonderful view of Lake Washington, and most of all...some peace and quiet! Thanks are the best!

So on Monday morning following Mother's Day, Carson wakes up at 5:15am anxious to hear that mom is awake! He peaks quietly out his door to see if it was OK to come out of his room so early. I could see that he was wanting to come check on me, so I open his door for him. He welcomes me with a big hug..."MOM! I missed you," he says! "Can I show you someting"? Sure, I say. So, he takes me by the hand and guides me to the front door. Surprised that we were going outside at 5 in the morning, I just watch and wait to see what he wants to show me. After the door is open, he stands there with a wonderful smile on his face and says "See mom! I cleaned the porch for you!...All by myself!" "WOW," I said, as I sloshed onto the wet mat sitting in front of the door. "It looks so nice! Thank you for doing that for mommy!" Carson said "I even used soap, mom!" "Really?" I said. " did something very special for mommy, thank you so much for your wonderful help!" He looks up at me and says "I love you mommy!" "I love you too, Carson!"

Sometimes it is these simple, sincere and very precious moments that holds me thru the tough times! I don't want to ever forget them! Sometimes it seems they are few and far between!

I've got to remember to also post a story about Carson's comment while visiting my sister in McMinnville...this is my reminder!

1 comment:

Rachael said...

Oh - that is so sweet! I am really excited for Carver to learn to say (and want to say!) "I love you."

I'm SO glad that you got a great weekend on your own. It's amazing what a little break can do!