Saturday, May 16, 2009

Switching Gears

This morning I have so many things running thru my mind. I am really trying to focus on doing more things that I truly enjoy. These include blogging, writing in my personal journal, digital scrapbooking (my newest, latest obsession) and sewing! Suddenly when the boys came along, these things quickly started dwindling away...out of my life! I have discovered that I cannot let my life be run by everyday things (work, the boys' needs, laundry, grocery shopping, etc.,). So, I have a new plan! I am trying to take time twice a day to do something I want to do! So, right now I am drinking my cup of coffee and blogging in COMPLETE silence! Oh how I cherish these moments! I am much more a morning person than a late night person!

So, just a little update with Carson. We had a yearly followup appointment with Dr. Stephen Glass, pediatric neurologist, this week. We talked a lot about Carson's difficult behavior and what we can do about it. Carson has been taking Topamax to help him stabilize his mood (so he doesn't have such drastic peaks and valleys), so we decided to tweek that a bit, adding a dose after lunch. This unfortunately means that I need to include daycare in my medication dosing plan...not something I try to do because I know they have their hands full! Have you ever tried to get a school to give your child a medication? You should see the documentation they need...more hoops to jump thru...I completely understand, but it's just one more thing on my never ending "to do list". I digress...anyhow, one thing that Dr. Glass highly recommended for our family was a very rigid routine. Deep down I knew this and I have been trying to do this, however, this truly reinforced to us how important it is. I really don't want to live my life via a rigid routine, (and to be quite honest, it totally overwhelms me), but if it helps our family have a bit more peace and happiness, it will all be worth it.

I am going to take the boys to the Point Defiance Zoo today. Daddy is out of town, so we need a fun activity to occupy our time...and to enjoy the wonderful weather anticipated for today.

Oh...I hear Carson running down the hallway! Time to start our morning routine! (which is a bit easier to do now that I have had a few minutes to myself and have enjoyed my cup of coffee...gotta love those espresso makers!)

Have a great day!

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