Friday, May 29, 2009

Random Thoughts

My 10 minute brain dump. Here it goes:

- I have racing thoughts in my head....all the time.

- It is hard for me to sit still because I always feel that "I have something to do"

- I have to make lists...all the time. As a matter of fact, I have to have my list with me everywhere I go or I start to panic that I'm not going to remember that that thought in my head...needs to go on my list. My list allows me to get it out of my head and it helps me remember and organize, on paper, what my head cannot do on it's own.

- I have anxiety. I never knew that what I was feeling was anxiety until I was told by a medical professional. How come I didn't know that? I'm a smart cookie and I didn't even pick that up about myself.

- My mind can be my best ally and my worst enemy.

- I have to limit my coffee intake because too much caffeine makes me shake...internally and externally. Why don't you give it up then, some might say? 'Cause I love it...I love to drink my coffee and hold the warm cup in my hands and sip the warm yummy foam on top. I love the smell of coffee in the morning as it waits for me. It is my treat to enjoy...when the world is still asleep...and I am awake.

- Sometimes I have a hard time sleeping because my mind is racing 100 miles an hour. I have a very hard time "shutting my mind off." Journaling and blogging does help me do what I call a "mind dump" 'cause if I can get it out of my head, then it can stay out of my head.

- I am a type A personality...anal to the end! The best kind of person to by a pharmacist, really...and at one point in my life, I was a pediatric pharmacist...the epitome of all anality!

- I love my family. I really do! I love to see my boys laugh and smile. I love when they look at me and say "mommy, I love you!" I love when they want snuggles and "just want to be with me!" I get that! I love that...and I crave that! As long as I can slow myself down enough to enjoy that.

- I have to teach myself and my boys coping techniques to deal with anxiety.
* Take a deep breath
* Listen to quiet, soft music
* Slow down
* Hold an ice cube in your hands...really tight! Try it! It hurts, but it does really work!

Wow...I did it in 10 minutes! Now on with my day! Hope you have a good one 'cause I plan on having an excellent one!

1 comment:

Dianna Walker said...

Hi Kari,
Wow, what a great blog. All the energy in it made me tired. It sounds like you go 90 miles an hour all the time. I was fun to read about your family. Bob and I are leaving to go on vacation next Friday. We are driving our 62 Impala to a car show in Rapid City, South Dakota. I will keep in touch. Take care. Dianna