Story number 1:
Above is Carson making "juice," as he calls it. Look at the poor guy's eyes...can you tell we are home sick on this day? He got a bit of energy to play and he wanted to play with mommy's blender. He wanted to use my chopper, so I got out some almonds for him to chop. Next was saltine crackers. Next was water. Sure, I say to all of it...nothing wrong with some good imaginative play, huh? Next he wants to add ice. Next he wants to turn on the blender...OK, I'll help with that one. "Strawberry juice," he says! Wow Carson...that looks so yummy! Would you like your juice to have a color (as I pull out the food coloring)? Sure, mom! OK, which color? Green, he says. Blend it again. By now, Logan has wondered into the kitchen to see what brother is up to. Carson asks Logan if he would like to drink some of his "strawberry juice." Logan of course says "yes" to any question related to food or drink. So, brother proceeds to pour juice for all of us! Carson was sooo excited about this juice and he really wanted us all to try it. Logan takes a big, huge gulp...really expecting an appetizing, strawberry juice! Now comes the distorted face! Carson says, "Yummy Logan?" Logan looks up at me and then looks at brother (still with this distorted look on his face), "Yep, yummy brother" as he hand me his glass and walks away! Carson now says that he wants to save the juice for daddy when he comes home from work. No problem, I say! Boy, daddy is going to be so thankful that you made him some juice! Way to go buddy! Look of content and excitement on Carson's face!

Story Number 2:
Because of our appt with Dr. Glass last week and his opinion of implementing a strict daily routine in our home, he suggested "getting rid of tv time". This had been a source of frustration and manipulation in our lives and if the tv suddenly "quit working", it wouldn't be forcing our parental will on Carson...the tv was just broken... period!
So, I began implementing that plan on Friday night. I actually was enjoying it. It allowed us to have more "family time", reading books, cuddling, etc., periods of "real connection." When I put Carson to bed on Saturday evening, he was really having a hard time cause he wasn't able to watch Curious George (which we usually do right before going to bed). As he's sitting in bed, he looks at me and says, "can't we get Curious George on the internet, mom? And Home Depot has tvs mom, can't we go buy another one tomorrow??"
WOW...that is one smart cookie! I just looked at Carson and gave him a big hug and kiss and put him to bed. My heart was being torn! Poor guy...just wants his Curious George....like I was taking his green wankie (Carson's verbal version of BLANKIE) away from him! We continued the "no tv" plan on Sunday until I discovered how sick Carson was...temp of 104.5, bright red and hot cheeks, lethargic, wheezing, croupy-type cough at night, etc., He had already been diagnosed with an ear infection on Thursday and was put on Amoxicillin. Of course when you are sick, all you want (and need) to do is lay on the couch and watch tv. So, I got out Carson's computer (my old computer) and rigged it so he could watch a movie that afternoon. He was much more content...just lying there. Daddy had been gone on a fishing trip that weekend and he was due to come back that night. I didn't want to spoil the fact (right in front of Carson) that all we had to do was plug the tv into the powerstrip. So, I told Carson that daddy could work on fixing the tv when he got home. Anyhow, Sunday night was a rough night for Carson and myself. Poor guy was so sick that I slept in his room just to make sure he was going to be ok.
Carson and I were awake off and on Sunday night...rocking him in the family room rocker...when I figured out that we were going to be awake for a while, I grabbed the remote and flipped on the tv. I looked at him and said that daddy was able to fix the tv! Poor sick Carson perked right up. He was so excited and jumped out of my arms, ran over to the couch and said "Curious George, please". It was 1am and I was letting Carson watch Curious George! That was one happy (and still very sick) little boy. We ended up staying up until 3-3:30am and Carson finally looked at me and said "mom, I gotta go to bed." I eventually was able to fall back asleep for a couple of hours and we all, thankfully slept in a bit. Needless to say, the boys stayed home with mommy that day!

Story Number 3:
We are having a very difficult time getting Carson to take his "pink pills", as Carson calls them. Our conversation goes something like this:
"I don't like them, mommy"
"I'm sorry you don't like them, but the doctor says you have to take them. This is not something you have a choice about."
Cry, cry...sniffle, sniffle...body shake on the floor! "I don't want to take my medicine, poopoo head!"
Lovely, now we have resorted to name calling...
I said, "you do have a choice about how you take your medicine. Would you like them with marshmallows (how we take our other medicines) or would you like me to make it into a liquid?"
Again..."I don't want my medicine!"
sigh, sigh
"OK, Carson...I am putting your medicine picture here (on the clock...giving Carson 5 minutes). It is your choice, Carson. You can either chose to take your medicine by yourself or mommy will sit on you and make you take your medicine!"
Time goes by and Carson doesn't move.
I stand up and bring Carson to the family room floor. Carson is screaming, "Don't sit on me, mom!" I squirt the syringe of medication into his mouth and he spits it right back at me!
Lovely...now half of the medicine is on the floor! Just lovely...
Here I am, mom...sitting on my child and he still doesn't take his medicine? Are you kidding me? Argh...BIG SIGH! Time to re-group! Plan defaulted until later in the day...
I call the pediatrician and say that I'm not having much luck with a twice a day medication. Since he's spiking temps up to 104.5, should we move to plan B? And, might I suggest that plan B include a once a day medication....as short of a course as possible? OK...this mom's serious! And, thankfully our pediatrician complies! Boy is it good to have clout in the medical profession! At least I can get my way with someone, huh?
Fastforward to this evening. I decide to delegate the medication administration responsibility to Kelly...he can deal with this for a while!
Carson is still not feeling well. I tried sending him to daycare today. I needed to follow through with what he was told...daycare today! He cried ALL MORNING LONG! Is he still not feeling good or is he manipulating me? He was home with me for 4 days...who wouldn't want to do that? I needed to push him today to see if he could break out of being sick! Guess what? Lost that one too! He did survive (somehow) the entire day at daycare, but guess who's now asleep in the family room...looking like a sick, lethargic kiddo from some horror flick?
Poor guy, you still aren't feeling better? He still needs to take his antibiotic tonight. Daddy reminds Carson that in 5 minutes he will need to take his medicine.
"I don't want my medicine."
"I'm sorry, it's not a choice."
cry, cry, scream, scream..."I'm angry! I need to calm myself down"
Good to express what you are feeling....and double wow for noticing that you need to calm yourself down! That's the first time he has ever said that! We say it to him all the time! OK...we're moving in the right direction here.
"Dad," I say, "Carson does have a choice how he takes his medicine...their are other routes that work!"
Hmmmm, daddy says, "you mean PR?"
Yep, Carson can take his medicine by himself or daddy can give it to him in his bottom (PR stands for per rectum, in latin).
Carson says, "I don't want it in my bottom! Put it in YOUR bottom"
Lovely...now mom has to hide her face 'cause she is laughing! Daddy sees mommy laughing and now he starts to laugh. ARGH...still no medicine being taken here!
Another 5 minutes go by.
Daddy walks over to Carson and proceeds to put him on the ground! No, no daddy! Daddy sits Carson upright and we finally coax him into taking his medicine!
Boy, I am pooped! Taking medicine has been a big ordeal in our house the last several days! Hope your family is safe and healthy...and not needing any "pink pills"! Hoping mine will be soon...we have a vacation to go on on Friday!
Kari :)
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