It was clearly evident that Logan was for sure sick! He had the snotty nose and a bit of a cough, a temperature...and the good 'ole grouchies! Today was clearly "all about Logan!" He kept saying, "cuddles, mommy!" from the time he woke up until the time he went to bed.
We decided to send the boys upstairs this morning to start the day off with a video and some cereal for breakfast! Nothing like slowly starting your day! It was pretty overcast and windy outside this morning, so the boys wouldn't want to go out in it for a while. Logan was coming down the stairs when he lost his footing and BAM!...down he came...BONKED his chin on the banister rails! Scream, scream, cry, cry! Mommy to the rescue! He was crying so hard he couldn't even catch his breath! We had been pretty strict with not letting him go up and down those stairs, but sure enough, Logan has to fall down them! Carson also comes running down the stairs and looked at Logan saying, "That's what happens, Logan!" Mommy counters with "Carson, leave Logan alone right now!" Mom and Logan spent the next hour cuddling on the couch...he didn't want to leave my side! Again, not feeling good!

Carson was getting a bit frustrated with being indoors a lot this morning. It was obvious that Logan and I were going nowhere today, so daddy took Carson to the downtown park! They ended up being buds for most of the day...playing, getting their hair cut, going out to lunch and buying a new ball and movie (Horton Hears a Who!....very cute movie)! Since mom was home with Logan all day, he quickly becomes the star of the blog today, complete with grouchy pictures and all!
Most of the morning, he was either asleep in my arms or asleep on the couch...poor guy, isn't it illegal or something to be sick on vacation? It took until about 10:30am for Logan to even want to go outside...and even then it was with a whine, "cold, mommy, cold!" So, I finally convinced him to put on some clothes, a jacket and socks & shoes and we ventured outside onto the porch! He would periodically have a happy moment (and mommy would of course snap a picture!) and then quickly more tears...and lots of sleep!
Carson and Daddy came home and they fished for a while, then it was nap time for both boys!
After nap time, Daddy took Logan for a kayak ride and then followed it with more mommy cuddles!

The boys wanted popcorn and a movie for dinner (hey, just trying to keep everyone happy on vacation!) and before long it was time for bed! All in all...a relaxing day for all!
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