Thursday, July 9, 2009

Our Week So Far and Funny Video

I was scheduled to work 3 days this week and I had a bunch of appointments today, meaning that the kids were going to be in daycare 4 days this week. And at least 3 of those days were going to be long days at daycare. Looking at our schedules this week, I decided to keep the boys home with me on Wednesday. I thought we could do something fun together! The boys were very excited to have a 'stay at home' day in the middle of the week! And then when they found out that I had fun plans for the day...they were higher than a kite!

There was a free kid's concert (Tickle Toon Typhoon) in the park that I thought we could give a try. The boys helped me pack our lunch for the concert and were so very excited! Logan kept asking "where is concert, mom?" I kept telling him that I would show him when we got there. We had never been to this particular location before, so it didn't do any good explaining to Logan...he just didn't have 'history' to draw from.

We showed up at the concert and quickly ran into a bunch of friends we all knew...including the 'Rainbow Room' from daycare! Carson was the one who pointed them out..."look mom...friends I know!" So, off we go to say hi to our friends. We ate our lunch and then the concert started. It didn't take long for Carson to get a bit restless. "Mom, can I go run around on the grass?" "Sure Carson, go run around!" Of course, Logan had to run around with his big mommy followed close behind.

Before I knew it, we had totally left the concert and were over at the water park area. This is one of those water parks that water squirts up from the ground and the kids can run around a get wet (kind of like outside sprinklers). The grounds keepers were trying to get the water park up and running for our summer and the boys saw a tiny bit of water coming out of two of the sprinklers. Off they run to check out the water. It didn't take long for me to call the boys over, remove their shoes and roll up their pants. It was quite evident to me that despite the 60 degree weather we had that day...that I was going to be taking MY boys home WET! Boy was I right!

There was also this big, huge ball in the middle of the water park area and it didn't take long for Carson to want to climb up the ball! He saw some other boys run and then jump up onto the top of the ball. Carson patiently watched as they did their thing. Then Carson tried to do it also...he quietly walked to the sidelines, then took off running toward the ball, but when he got to the ball, he was confused why he couldn't just jump up onto the was soooo cute! You should have seen his face of confusion! I offered to help Carson climb up and there he sat (I'm sure thinking he ruled the world) and sat and sat. I then showed him how he could slide down the side of the ball as if it were a slide. Before I knew it, Logan was wanting up to do the same exact thing!

After the concert was over, it was time to head back home for nap! Once we got home, I let the boys watch about 10 minutes of TV and before I knew it, Carson was letting me know that his 'eyes weren't able to stay open!'...and then he quickly conked out on the couch! I put Logan to bed, then came back to put my already sleeping Carson to bed as well. Carson woke up around 4:30pm and was excited to see that Logan was still sleeping...hmmm, he said, "mom, I need cuddles!" We sat on the couch watching 'The Incredibles' and I swear he was the most content kid ever...'cause he had mom's undivided attention (and it wasn't being shared with his brother). Miraculously, Logan slept until 6pm, when I actually had to go wake him up! Can you believe that? Logan slept from 1:45pm until 6pm...and from the looks of it, Logan could have slept longer than 6pm. But, mom had selfish intentions...I DID want him to go back to bed at our usual 8pm bedtime! All in all...I guess they had a good day! Good sleep too!

Carson and Logan are slowly learning about consequences! They don't like consequences too well...well, actually...who does?? Anyhow, I'm determined that if my boys cannot treat their things nicely, then they don't get the privilege of playing with them (or having them in their rooms). Logan lost ALL of his furniture in his room this past weekend (except of course, his bed...and his too heavy dresser (which I just turned around toward the wall instead). I got tired of him getting up before 5am and also destroying his room when that did happen. So, as was suggested by our neurologist, Dr. Glass, all things should then be removed from his room. His room is for sleeping. If he is waking up too early, then his room should be as unappealing as hopes that his only other alternative would be to 'go back asleep'. Logan is slowly earning his furniture (and CD player) privileges back.

Well...Carson finally joined the 'losing bedroom furniture privileges' this evening. He is totally mistreating his furniture...throwing his desk onto the ground, moving his small dresser over to the door to try to unlock his door (there's a door latch on top of his door...and if he can make himself tall enough, he can easily move the lock over...that took him all of about 3 minutes to figure out!) and messing with his new nite lite (who put's programmable buttons on the back of a nite lite anyhow...along with an on/off switch that makes the nite lite COMPLETELY lose all programming??? ARGH!!!) Maybe it's us 'parents' who are a little slow at this stuff...'cause my boys figure things out QUICKLY!

Well...I would say that both boys are learning about consequences this week! Bless their little hearts...I hope they are sleeping well right now! onto the super funny video! One of my friends sent me this video and I just had to share it with all of you! I hope you laugh hysterically like Carson, Logan AND myself did! Enjoy!

After watching this video a half dozen times, Carson turns to me and says, "Mom, can I do that some day?" How cute is that?

Grandma and Grandpa George are coming to relieve my parenting post on Saturday for a couple of hours so I can go to an SPD Support Group...'cause I really am in need of some support!

Have a great rest of your week! I plan to...

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