Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Much Better Day!

Monday was a much better day! Thank God! I'm not sure I could sustain that kind of child destruction, defiance and non-compliance for much longer! I hate to say it, but deep down I can somewhat understand why some parents kill their child(ren)! Now, don't take this the wrong way...I would NEVER do that because I have functional coping mechanisms in my life AND I have kid's bedrooms that LOCK!!! I'm just saying that...I can understand it!

Kelly is off to Italy until July 15th! Yep...that's 10 days of me being a single parent! Sometimes I actually enjoy Kelly being gone (honey, please don't take this the wrong way). I enjoy the simplicity of doing things a little different when daddy is's OK to have scrambled eggs or pancakes for dinner (not Kelly's favorite meal), I get control of the TV REMOTE (which includes NOT having the TV on at all...oh the solitude of silence!) and we get into 'OUR ROUTINE'! However, having said that, we all MISS daddy! Especially when he is in another country and we don't have easy access to him! (And yes MOM, I have Kelly's flight itinerary AND emergency contact numbers!) We especially miss daddy when we have emergencies that take a lot out of mommy (like evening ER visits, bad days, mice in the house, etc.,). Oh please keep us in your thoughts and prayers that we won't have any emergencies in the next 10 days!

On another note...We are very close to having our rental house on the market! It should be on the market by the end of this week! Keep your fingers crossed that it will sell easily and quickly (yep...I even have 'power of attorney' in case we get an offer while Kelly is in Italy)!

I dropped the boys off at daycare on Monday anxious to get to work (or maybe it was 'just wanting to be away from the boys') and I felt like I needed to prepare daycare for their potential day ahead. I told them we had a horrific weekend and to just be prepared that the weekend may continue into their day as well. They appreciated the 'heads up' and I went on my way. They said that they would call me if they had 'issues.' I went to work and I surely WASN'T going to call and check on Carson...'cause, to be honest with you, I DIND'T WANT TO HEAR IT! I was honestly expecting that they would call me to say that "Carson was putting other kids at risk of danger" and that I needed to pick him up. If I had to leave work to pick him up, I honestly thought that I might have to quit my job right then and there. Remember, I am an agency pharmacist and I am relieving companies who are ALREADY having staffing issues...I don't need to introduce my own staffing issues into their already messed up schedules! I never heard from daycare AT ALL! Hmm...this could be a good sign...and it could also not be a good sign...maybe they were feeling sorry for me and were actually trying to spare me the pain? Hmmm...I reluctantly went to pick them up after work...I walked into Carson's classroom...and there stood a very happy boy! Hmmm...what happened to my crazy child? Don't get me wrong...I love my happy child way more than my crazy child! I reluctantly asked how Carson's day went. His teacher said that he had one altercation with another child on the playground. But, on 'the Carson scale of days'...this was a GOOD ONE! can imagine my surprise! Off we went to home to have dinner! (Maybe their drastic behavior change had to do with the big weather change??? It was sunny in the 70's over the weekend and then changed to hazy/clouds in the 50-60's on Monday. Hmmm...anyone ever experience child behavior changes due to weather changes???)

I often feel that I only blog about the bad things going on in our family. I guess this is mostly because I really need to get it off my chest...and get support from my fellow blog readers! I would like to share some funny stories that have happened in the last 24 hours...'cause this is what I truly want to remember about MY BOYS!

So, shortly after we got home, Carson tripped over one of daddy's drills (yes, the kids play with one of daddy's drills) and Carson went into this big major fit...full of tears and screaming! I quickly went over to the drill and started reprimanding the drill, "Drill, don't you do that again! Drill, quit tripping Carson or you are going to have to go to time out!" Hmm...I waited...and before I knew it, Carson was now hysterically laughing! out of that fit!

I went on to finish getting the kid's dinner ready and before I knew it, Carson came up to me saying that the drill just tripped him again! So, into action I went! "Drill, you are going to have to go to timeout!" Carson says, "Mom, put drill in your room...and lock the door!" So off I trotted to put drill in our room and I locked the door! The evening continued like this...eventually Carson was doing the disciplining of drill! It was very very cute to see what things Carson did to drill! By the end of the night, drill had gotten out of timeout all by himself (can't imagine how that happened!) and ended up in timeout for the entire night...couldn't come out until the next morning! Soon...Logan was participating as well! Hilarious...really! And very insightful as to how the boys perceived the same discipline inflicted on them!

Another story: Carson has these imaginary friends...Charly, Tommy and Frankie! He talks about them all the time...mostly they are work friends who he does all sorts of things with! Well, last on Monday night, Logan suddenly started 'working' at the same place as Carson...with his same friends...Charly, Tommy and Frankie! Logan would walk around the house stating that he does 'this' at work and 'that' at work...with his friends...Charly, Tommy and Frankie! It's so cute to see how they pick up things from their siblings! That's just how things are their eyes!

Another story: I was getting ready for work this morning and opened my drawer to get out my jewelry for the day. bracelet is missing! ARGH!!! The boys got is my drawer AGAIN!!! So, I nicely went up to Carson and asked him if he might know where they are. His usual response is usually, "I don't know mom!" But this morning, he said "Yep...I know where they are. Follow me mom (and his voice gets really quiet)...their in my secret hiding spot!" I follow him to his room and he opens the lid of his desk and voila...there they are! We promptly had a conversation about leaving mommy's things alone and that he is not to touch other people's things unless he asks their permission! "OK mommy!" But how cute was that conversation? And, YEH for me...I found my bracelet!

One more quick story: Logan keeps saying "Me like this, mommy!" "Dat my fabrite!" (translation...I like this mommy...that's my favorite!) and he is copying little things I say like when the kids say "Thank You" I always say "No...Thank YOU!" Logan is now repeating the same thing back to an appropriate context!

I really do love my boys...they can be a big challenge sometimes! But, I cherish the moments like these!

Well...I guess I oughta start working now! Have a fabulous day!


Angela Clarno said...

Hey you, I am so glad you are back on track. The crow bar sounded like a challenging experience!!! My eyes went WIDE OPEN on that one!!!! Love you, Ang

Dawn Finlayson said...

Glad your first evening without Kelly went well. Hopefully this evening will be just as great. Dawn

Anonymous said...

'Weather' has a definite effect on children! I thoroughly believe this. Mom