Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Carson's School Photo and IEP Meeting

Carson- Almost 6 years old
School pictures came home today for Carson!  These are his FIRST school pictures...EVER!  Don't I have a handsome boy?  Well, I think so!

Tomorrow morning is our IEP (Individualized Education Plan) re-evaluation meeting for Carson!  Boy, am I nervous about this.  I do have good news (after having spoken to the school psychologist)...they still want to continue Carson on an IEP.  My angst is what's going to be IN the IEP...what goals and objectives we all agree on.  I have my list all written out with my wishes for the IEP, we'll see what everyone has to say about them.  I'm having a hard time trusting the system...probably because I have had to FIGHT the system and I get tired of always having to fight!  I want what's BEST for Carson and I will do everything in my power to get that for him!

And, I figure I may as well sweeten up the IEP team by bringing them coffee and banana NEVER hurts to bribe anyone, right??  Plus, the meeting is at 8:30am, so we'll all need some java and carbs to get us going!  I will blog again tomorrow the results of the meeting, so stay tuned...and say a little prayer for us tonight!

1 comment:

Kendra Rosenau said...

You go girl! It will all work out. Love ya.