Sunday, October 3, 2010

Tonight's Dinner: Curried Butternut Squash Soup

Fall is definitely here!  The leaves are falling to the ground and there is a crispness in the air that only comes with Fall!  What comes to your mind when you think of the Fall?  For me, I think of this super yummy soup...Curried Butternut Squash Soup (click the highlighted words to get the recipe) by Robin Miller on the Food Network! 

Logan decided to be my helper in the kitchen tonight, so he was in charge of adding the measured ingredients to the pot and then got to use a cool kitchen tool, an immersion blender, the kitchen and mom only suffered minor squash splatterings, which is quite impressive for a 3 year old!  Way to go Logan!

Logan using the immersion blender and being momma's super big helper!

  A recipe can't be any simpler than this!  And, the lime crema that goes on top just makes the soup that much yummier!  It's super healthy, filling and has a wonderful mix of flavors!  You need to try this recipe!

The immersion blender does a nice job of mixing the ingredients and making it super smooth!

The finished product!  Yum!  Dinner's Ready!