Monday, October 11, 2010

Taking Care of Myself!

Back in September of 2009, I started Jenny Craig and lost about 20 pounds, hit a plateu and wasn't losing and then I quit being able to afford the food (YIKES...that stuff is expensive).  I dropped out of Jenny Craig in April or May 2010 and just focused on trying to maintain and gained about 10 pounds back.  I then tried to lose weight on my own or with using Weight Watchers online (I've been a member of Weight Watchers since high school) and still couldn't seem to shed any pounds.  I was frustrated, stressed, depressed and wasn't exercising (nor did I have much time for exercising).

When I got the opportunity to quit my job and stay home with our two boys, I made ME the focus (I need to take care of myself in order to optimally take care of those around me!) by getting rid of the stress of trying to juggle too many things at once, made exercise a priority (I go to the gym 5 days a week and work off 600-800 calories each time) and really started keeping track of my Weight Watcher points.  Since September 1st, I have lost 9.5 pounds (18 pounds total since Sept '09).  I feel so much better and I can honestly say that I crave exercising!  I didn't think there would EVER come a day when I say that, but it's true!  I can go one day with no exercise, but two days in a row with no exercise is just too much for me to handle.  I get cranky, a bit anxious and just feel that urge to get out there and work hard!

I'm so proud of myself!  I have my 20 year high school reunion coming up on November 20th and my goal is to lose another 10 pounds.  I figure if I put it out there and let my friends and family know what my goal is, you can help keep me accountable!  Please help encourage me!

Have you seen the show called The Biggest Loser?  Did you know they workout 5 hours a day?  Totally an unrealistic goal for myself, but it helps to motivate me that someone in much less shape than I is being pushed beyond their limits every day!  Can't I take an hour of my day to push myself to my limits?  I think so....and I'm doing it!  Are YOU taking care of YOURSELF??

If you don't mind, I think I will post my progress WEEKLY!  That will help keep me accountable!

My pre-Jenny Craig photo in Dec 2009

My September 2010 photo with about 15 pounds (total) GONE!  Sorry Dawn, hope you don't mind me posting your photo!  She's lost I think 65 pounds with Weight Watchers...Go DAWN!!

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