Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Wishes do come true!

Sometimes it's the small things in life that really "make your day!" This morning, my wish came true! I am sitting here enjoying my 'second' cup of coffee while the boys are quietly (and creatively) playing together in Logan's room! OMG...that never happens! Carson has pushed over the small couch in Logan's room, has taken the mattress off of the bed and is in the process of "building a tent!" You know, the furniture/mattress moving doesn't bother least they are creatively and quietly using their time effectively!

Oh, and one more thing! We tried something new last night at dinner! I really want to start eating dinner at the dining room table instead of eating at the kitchen counter. You know, my kids have gotta learn table manners somehow! I would eventually like to take them to a non-kid restaurant and have them sit an enjoy dinner with us! OK...go ahead and laugh! This will take a while!

Anyway...we sat at the dining room table for dinner last night and Carson gathered all the candles in the house! He wanted to pretend that the power was out. So, we all sat there with the candles glowing and the lights off...and we ate our dinner! It was nice to see them enjoy it! Carson said "Mom, can we do that again?" "You bet, Carson!" more thing! I just ordered personal business cards for myself (250 free cards from just pay shipping! Thanks Hartley for that info!) so I had an easy and fast way of giving others my personal contact information. It's amazing how many people I run into that want to know about our SPIO suits, etc., So, I figured I deserve a nice title to my official job as mom. Guess what I put? "Home CEO and Special Needs Coordinator!" Doesn't that just say it all?

Oh...gotta go, Logan's running down the hallway crying! Good things only last soooo long!

Have a good one!

1 comment:

Rachael said...

I love it! What a fun activity. And I love the idea of the cards and what a PERFECT job title. :)