Thursday, June 11, 2009

Logan's Special Day at Daycare

In Logan's classroom at daycare this month, they are celebrating "all about me" so they have assigned each child in the classroom a "special day." On your child's special day, you need to bring in things that will teach the class about your child. So, Logan's Special Day was last Friday and boy was he excited. We solicited his help in determining what he would like to bring to show the classroom. The following items were gathered so Logan could share them with his friends:
1. daddy's electric drill
2. shaving cream
3. two of his favorite cars
4. his life of photos put together in a scrapbook
5. toy lawn mower (complete with a bubble blower inside it)

Logan showing his cool cars to his friends!

Oh my are just a babe magnet with those sunglasses! Already attracting the little girls! He is just beaming from ear to ear!

Logan just LOVES his bubble blowing lawn mower! (Thank you Uncle Stan and Aunt Sheila!) Don't you just love his confident step?

And look at him point to all his cool pictures in his scrapbook! Aren't the other kidos just adorable watching so intently?

This is just one of my favorites! Logan absolutely loves playing with shaving cream! It's a great thing to play with for sensory awareness/alertness! He paints his whole body when he is in the shower or bath! It's also fun to run your play cars through. Lots of sensory possibilities here, for sure!

Ms. Felicia and Ms. Jamie are so great! They let the other kids play in the shaving cream too! How cool is that? Everyone is dressed down to their diapers and they are ready to just hose them off if necessary!

Hope you enjoyed being part of Logan's Special Day...he sure did!


Dawn Finlayson said...

Great pictures! Logan looks so cute. Can't wait for Owen's day now after seeing how much fun Logan had with it.

Anonymous said...

Gramma says, "strip them down and let them have fun!" Very much a preschool thing. Logan is growing much too fast!"